Making apple pie has never been on my baking bucket list, but it is definitely something that I knew I should try once! Which I guess means it should be on a bucket list. My mistake. Ok, so now that the apple pie has moved from “maybe make” to “must make”, I decided that I should give it a try.
The most important things to keep in mind when making apple pie is 1. the crust, and 2. the apples. You need a good crust recipe and you need A LOT of apples. More than you think you will. And then more than that. We went to my mother in law’s to pick apples, and I brought along a little basket to collect them in. She laughed at me and brought me out a HUGE planting pot! Like a pot for an indoor tree!! I laughed at her, and thought that she was the one “out to lunch”. Needless to say, I should have listened to her and her 60+ years of baking apple pie experience. That and the fact that she’s Italian. She knows what’s she’s doing in the kitchen.