Here’s a compilation of the top amazing Valentines day cakes from me to you . . . with love of course!
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Step by step homemade baking recipes
Here’s a compilation of the top amazing Valentines day cakes from me to you . . . with love of course!
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Whether you are a lover or hater of Valentine’s day, you’re bound to love this cake because it’s full of candy, and lined with WHITE Kit Kats!
For whatever reason, I wasn’t able to find the white KitKats in Canada. For those of you that might find yourself with the same problem, I got the white KitKats on a recent trip to the US. Being so close to the border, I find that it’s super easy to order things that we don’t have in Canada, and have them shipping to a shipping outlet five minutes from the Canadian border. It’s awesome. And deadly at the same time. It’s quite an addiciting habbit. With Target pulling out of Canada, shopping is incredibly sparse in my city, so if it means I have to drive an hour or so to pick up packages from the USA, I’m willing to do so. All for the sake of the videos. All for you. ALL FOR YOU PEOPLE!!! Hahaha . . . that is true, but I might have an obsession with online shopping. Maybe. Why do they have to make it so easy!?!?!?
For the candy topping, you could use whichever your favourite candies are, themed with Valentine colours. Of course, you could make this for another occasion, and it would look just as awesome- I’m thinking Halloween, Easter, Christmas, or even a rainbow theme!
For the heart shaped cake, I used my favourite cake recipe, divided it in half like I would for any 8″ or 9″ pan, and baked them for about 45 minutes at 350. I think I had too much batter in the pan which is why I had to bake them for so long. The heart cake pan comes in a variety of sizes, so when you’re working with your batter, I just advise you to start watching it at 30 minutes.
When I’m choosing ribbon to use with cakes, for something like this, I went with a larger sized one. I also stay away from the ones that are “Wired”, since they tend to crinkle, and don’t lay flat on the cakes. They might be better for making bows, but aint’ nobody got time for that!
For this cake you don’t need to have a special pan. Though that would have been funny . . . “Here’s how you make a heart shaped cake. Take you heart shaped cake pan….” Annnnnnnnnd….CUT! Video done.
I have a sad sense of humour.
But seriously, this is a really easy way to make a heart shaped cake without the special pan. Collecting all of the awesome shaped pans is a storage nightmare. I recently just sold over 20 shaped character pans because seriously, when am I going to use those and they take up SO much room! I saved a couple of my favourites though to make a couple videos with.
The strawberries on top of this cake add a beautiful pop of red to the cake, and I love the white/red contrasting colours. You could use any fruit though and I think it would still look beautiful. It would also make for a great wedding cake and you could theme the fruit with the colours of the wedding party! The possibilities are endless.
My mom and dad happen to celebrate their anniversary on the 1st of February, so this year I made a personalized cake with a Valentine’s Day feel to it! Unbelievable, it is their 34th anniversary! I say unbelievably because that is more years than I have been alive . . . can you imagine being with someone for THIRTY FOUR years? Relationships are certainly worth working for <3.
My dad in secret asked me to make a cake to surprise my mom with. I totally took advantage of my dad saying, “Make whatever you want,” (LOVE the freedom of design) . . . so what better to make than a Heart Shaped, Valentine’s Day cake!
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