We are on a roll with the Christmas decorating videos these days! It’s so much fun! The ideas are endless, there are unending Pins to Pin on Pinterest and it’s just a jolly good time around this holiday. The thing that gets me every year, and I’m guilty of it, is that WHY IS IT SO STRESSFUL?
Every year, I approach the season with excitement, but as soon as December is two weeks old, I’m freaking out and a ball of stress!! There is always so much to do at home- baking, decorations, finding the perfect tree, wrapping all the presents. At school- Christmas Concert practice, Secret Santa, decorations, Gingerbread Houses, and now, add a business to the mix- cupcakes, cakes, cookies, platters!
There are always so many gifts to buy, despite the fact that every year I say “I’m going to give the gift of time with my family” as if I’m gift enough . . . hahahaha! I’d like to think that I am 😉 but I’m sure they would think differently. I know that I must be on crack when I have those thoughts as they just delay my inevitable freak out, as I run around shopping to buy things I swore I wasn’t going to.