Last week in the basic Wilton decorating course, we were to bake (and torte) a cake. If you missed my post about that, here it is: Wilton Cake Courses: Week One, Class One. Last week consisted on covering the basics on how to bake a cake, torte it and how to base ice it. This week it was all about decorating!
We came to class with our cakes base iced (with the Wilton Buttercream *. . . you are required to use it for the course . . . even though it tastes like lard . . . it is better to decorate with), and our Wilton Instuctor went over the basic tips . . . round, star . . . and sizes. On our cake boards, we practiced control of the flow, shape and size.
*Wilton Buttercream
$80 Fee Breakthrough . . . this cake decorating stuff is EASY when you take a course! It’s totally worth the money. No, I’m not sponsored by Wilton, despite the fact that I sound like it!
A slow steady hand is best for this type of cake decorating. The desire to hurry and fill in the space is great, but the slower I went, the better my stars turned out.
I still have lots to learn, and can’t wait to go back next week. Oh, wait, I have Course Two to do tomorrow night!