Friday. Made it. Do you know what that means? NBC’s Dateline with Keith Morrison! Is anyone else oddly attracted to the sound of his voice? I find that it is very soothing. I realize that is a slightly odd comment since he is normally reporting stories about murders, crimes and horrible, horrible things that happen unfairly to innocent people. But every week, I go immediately to Dateline on my PVR, and I have to watch it! There’s something about his voice that I find very intriguing . . . ???? Weird. I realize that.
The first week back at work was a lonnng one. Yay, it’s over!!! Truthfully, it was a successful week . . . at least as far as New Year’s Resolutions go. I actually ate healthy (well, healthier than I had been) and went to the gym four out of five days.
I am fortunate for improving will power.
I am fortunate for cross country skis that we utilized many times over the holidays. They are helping negate my unhealthy habits!
I am fortunate that my mom and my friend Kelli, who recently had car vs deer, and car vs ice arguments are both still able to read my blog 😉 Seriously, I’m glad you’re both okay.
Have a great weekend everyone! Watch for Baby Cupcakes and Cookies on Sunday!
I agree- it was a looong week. I retaliated at the week by sleeping in until 11:00 today 🙂
Cute site!
Thanks for looking and reading. I’m just getting started and have a lot to learn!
We all just need to take a moment out of every day and be thankful for what we have to be fortunate about 🙂
Awww thanks so much Jenn! I feel really fortunate too and it meant a lot to me to get out of the house for a bit and go for coffee today, so thanks!