During this year’s Earth Day celebrations, Wildsight (“Wildsight works to maintain biodiversity and healthy human communities in Canada’s Columbia and Rocky Mountains ecoregion. We are focused on three core areas: the southern Rockies, the upper Columbia River Valley, and the Columbia Mountains. This ecoregion provides critical genetic connectivity for western North America’s wildlife populations”) hosted Downtown Goes Wild in Cranbrook’s Rotary Park.
The highlight for the young and old in this hockey hungry town, was the presence of Scott Niedermayer whom is one of the spokesmen for Wildsight, and one of Cranbrook’s hometown heros.
There was lots happening throughout the park, on a beautifully sunny April day . . . Paul was able to get around to take a few pictures.
A day was had by all who were able to come out and enjoy the bright blue skies and the great selection of vendor participants!